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GSOC: C++2011 Support in KDevelop Part 1 (June 28, 2011)

Hey all,

I finally want to write a bit about my work on KDevelop during this year’s GSOC. To make things a bit more interesting for the whole crowd, even for those heretics that don’t use KDevelop, I want to highlight some C++2011 features I got to know in the process. Hence this multipart blog post should be interesting for all KDE hackers, as eventually we will be able to use these shiny new features of what is to be known as C++2011.

For those interested in the full overview of changes in C++2011, take a look at e.g. the C++0x Status Page in GCC 4.6, the wikipedia article on C++0x, or try to get hold of a copy of the C++2011 FDIS spec file. Note that the latter is apparently not freely accessible, see also this stackoverflow discussion. Still, maybe you find someone who can send you a copy…

So, lets get down to business. Following is a not-complete list of C++2011 features I’ve already implemented in KDevelop. If I mess something up in explaining a new feature, or if I forget an important aspect, please add a comment.

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KDevelop: Randa and GSOC 2011 (June 09, 2011)

Yawn. Hello everyone!

After two nights of backporting sleep in my RL branch to fix the deficiency I built up during Randa, I feel somewhat normal again. Time to blog, eh?


Lets begin with Randa. It was not only my first time there, but also my first time ever to be in the Swiss Alps. And furthermore it was the first time for me to be in the Alps without crying out loud about the lack of snow as I didn’t intend to go snowboarding. You can imagine it was a very pleasant experience for me. I definitely want to come back to go on some more serious hiking trips uphill. But I diverge ;-)

Randa as place for a sprint was simply awesome: Secluded hence no real distractions. Great environment to clean your head, get fresh air and stay focused and productive. Good food, nice people, … I could go on here :) The only negative things I noticed where the unstable networking and the dormitories.

KDevelop Sprint

The KDevelop sprint at Randa was very successful and productive. Here is a group picture of those who attended:

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The End Is Nigh (May 25, 2011)

No I’m not a nutjob who talks about the rapture (epic fail btw.). Instead, I’m talking about my time as a bachelor student. I’ve just handed in my thesis after weeks of work on it. You might have noticed by my recent absence from KDE hacking. But rest assured. Now I’m back again :)

First of all the GSOC hack time started officially this week. I got a slot again, and am a few days behind schedule yet am confident to fetch up. I’ll be working on bringing C++0x or now C++2011 support to KDevelop. You can read my proposal online.

Secondly next week I’ll be at Randa for the KDevelop sprint (among others). I’m really looking forward to it, so many nice people to meet again — awesome!

So expect more from my side again. I’ll also start to go through the bug reports of the last weeks which I have not yet attended to. Stay tuned and welcome back :)

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Short GSOC 2010 Note (August 22, 2010)

Hey all,

before I go on a short one-week vacation, I wanted to leave you a short note about the outcome of my GSOC, where I tried to revive the Quanta+ brand.

First up, I passed, many thanks to my mentor Andras Mantia. But well, it’s not like I got that for free. In a first estimation I did about 500 commits to Quanta, PHP and KDevplatform in the last three months. So I hope you all agree that I deserve the Google money :)

But lets talk about what I planned to achieve and what I actually achieved:

  • the XML/HTML plugin is working quite well but is still requiring lots of polishing
  • the browser preview plugin is supposedly being worked on by another studen in Brazil, I’m awaiting her first results and will polish it together with her.
  • you still cannot rename tags and automatically rename the close tag as well or similar
  • the multilang branches have imo nice API additions and seem to work reasonably well. At least my test cases of CSS inside HTML worked fine for me

Anyhow, on one hand I’m personally satisfied with what I achieved code wise, esp. looking at the diffs and knowing how many iterations some of the multilang structures required. On the other hand I had hoped to achieve much more. A first alpha release of Quanta is really not visible to me in the near future.

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Quanta GSOC midterm evaluation (July 08, 2010)

Hey there!

Midterm evaluations for GSOC are coming up and Andris Mantia, my mentor I finally met at Akademy, asked be to blog about what we already have in Quanta. Because there is a lot and most of you are not aware of that. And to be honest it’s actually too much to put into a single blog post, so I hope to do more of a series of blog posts showing off some features.

Quanta 4 is not Quanta 3

Anyhow, I fear that a disclaimer is in place, for all of you who are desperately looking forward a KDE4 version of Quanta. The thing is, I cannot, nor do I want to, port Quanta from KDE3 times as-is to KDE4. Instead I build on top of the KDevplatform that is also used for KDevelop and KTechlab. By sharing the basic code it gets much easier to maintain Quanta in the future. This decision brings two things with it:

  1. We get an awesome library to built new stuff on top, making things like the new PHP which is already much more advanced than anything from KDE3, actually plugin possible.
  2. We don’t have all features from Quanta 3 or if we have, they might look and work differently. This also means that you won’t be able to take your Quanta 3 workflow without changes over to Quanta 4.

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KDevelop PHP Advancements: Namespaces and Error Recovery (June 24, 2010)

Hi there,

just a quicky before I head off to bed and go on a short vacation the next few days:

PHP support in KDevelop now has support for the first PHP 5.3 feature, namely namespaces. I’m still convinced that the syntax sucks pretty bad in PHP’s implementation of namespaces but well, my hands are tight and I had to support it. Anyhow, with PHP master you shouldn’t get syntax errors anymore when using namespaces, but instead proper code completion, syntax highlighting and context information… Well, full blown DUChain integration :)

Furthermore I just introduced the first few error recoveries in PHP that should make the situation a bit better when you work on a broken file. Up until now any parse error resulted in a file with no advanced PHP features at all until you fixed that parse error. Now it should at least skip parse errors in code segments between braces (classes, functions, conditionals, namespaces, …). It can be much improved of course, and I’ll do just that next week.

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KDevelop - ExternalScript plugin (June 16, 2010)

Heyho, me again :)

Seems like I have quite the urge to write blog posts recently… Anyhow:

The last two days I reimplemented / ported two features from Quanta 3 times to KDevelop (if you still didn’t get it: everything is a plugin, hece it will be reused in Quanta 4). What I’m talking about is most importantly the revival of a “execute external script” plugin. It’s currently still in a feature branch, but will hopefully be merged into master soon. But what can you do with it? Well, think about the following usecases and see how they can be solved with this plugin:

I want to compile and run a simple helloworld.cpp-like file without setting up a build environment nor do I want to setup a project for it.

Use an external script: _quick compile_. It just runs this command: `g++ -o %b %f && ./%f`   In this code `%f` gets replaced with the path to the currently active file and`%b` is it’s basename (i.e. without extension).

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KDevelop Webdev plugins merged into Quanta GIT (June 14, 2010)

Quick note:

I’ve just merged all webdevelopment related plugins except PHP & PHP-Docs into Quanta git. You can get them all in one place now by cloning Quanta:

Since I also moved all halfworking plugins to UNPORTED (they don’t get installed), you should be fine by just installing all of Quanta to get the plugins. If you only want one of them, going into it’s subfolder and building it standalone should hopefully still work though.

In other notes: Thanks to Ruan Styrdom for starting work on a PHP formatter plugin for KDevelop. It uses phpStylist and it’s already somewhat working. Awesome :)

/me is off to more GSOC hacking, bye

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First Days of Quanta+ GSOC 2010 (June 05, 2010)

Ok, finally I take the time to blog again.

The last two weeks have been a busy time for me and I couldn’t find as much time for GSOC as I would have wanted. I had to finish up some things at KDAB where I spent the last three months doing an internship (maybe I should write another blog about that eventually…). Afterwards I took five days of vacation, visiting a friend in Lisboa, Portugal - a very good decision to clear my head :) Esp. considering that I directly dropped back into my old job at the IT administration here at my university, where I had to quickly finish another project that I delayed until the last days possible ;-)

But… Even before GSOC officially started I already committed a few small things. But yesterday and today I finally started for good. Thanks to the discussion with Andris (my mentor) I actually think to know what I have to do ;-) Porting Quanta+ is not an easy task, even though there is already a Quanta binary that links against KDE4 and “works”. There are tons of files and hundres of lines of code commented out that are left to be ported. And I have to wager: What can I port in the few weeks left for GSOC and what should I drop for now? What is superseded, or should be eventually superseded, by a proper KDevplatform integrated plugin?

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