I’ve been gone for eight days and returned just a few hours ago to Berlin. It doesn’t feel like that. The last days went by in a blur of awesomeness! The reason why I didn’t write a single blog post in between is just that I never had a spare minute for that. I arrived on Thursday and instantly enjoyed the warmth of Spain / the Basque country and had a tasty and cheap Menu del Dia at a local Restaurant with fellow KDABians and other KDE friends. Then just a few hours later the first party started, near the old district of the city - amazing! More and more hackers and helpers arrived, the atmosphere was once again so good. The social aspect of this years Akademy was without comparison in my opinion - seriously: Hats off to the local team, you did an amazing job!
While the social events on the following days have been just as awesome or even awesomer to awesomest - I especially enjoyed the day trip and jumping into the ocean! - the technical side of Akademy delivered just as well: My favorite talks this year where Mirko’s about ThreadWeaver, which we heavily use in KDevelop. His roadmap and polished API looks much better than what we have nowadays and should allow for much nicer code which might even perform better - kudos!
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Hey all,
you didn’t hear anything from me since quite some time… Thing is, this is my last “regular” semester of university where I have two lab courses that are very time demanding. The year after, I’ll be spending time on my master thesis, which hopefully will allow for some more leisure time for KDE.
Anyhow, a small project which I just worked on to write some small lines of code again was to make my BKO backtrace highlighter work on Chromium. It requires the Tampermonkey extension to get more compatibility with Greasemonkey of Firefox fame, otherwise it works more or less out of the box!
After fixing some small other inconsistencies I can now say that it works fine in both, Firefox and Chromium! I furthermore took the liberty to extend its functionality a bit: You now also get highlighted Valgrind traces, i.e. generated by memcheck and other error reporting tools - yay!

highlighting of a Valgrind memcheck trace on with additional navigation helpers, using Chromium
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Hey all,
I’ve improved my javascript highlighter for backtraces on and fixed some bugs (e.g. the BUG 123456
links where lost before). Additionally I just added another feature that gives you a nice little navigation bar like this:

highlighted backtrace with navigation bar
Pressing crash
scrolls the window to the [KCrash Handler]
in that backtrace, prev thread
and next thread
do what you would think they do.
To get all the goodies, click this link to install the updated script in GreaseMonkey:
NOTE: This also works with Tampermonkey in Chromium!
Happy backtrace reading!
PS: Yeah, we really should get this by default into BKO… I’ll write a mail to the sysadmins now.
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The default output of Apaches Options +Indexes
doesn’t look good at all. Very 1990 something… But - as with pretty much any open source open source software - there are tons of options, which enable you to change everything to your likings!
The contents of .htaccess
# default order: descending by name
IndexOrderDefault Descending Name
# set the following options:
# - ignore case
# - don't display the description column
# - display folders first
# - set the width of the name column to 40 chars
# - don't display the default HTML output (doctype, head, ..., starting <body> tag)
# - use Fancy Indexing
# - set IconHeight und Width to 16 pixels (FamFams Icons use these dimensions)
IndexOptions +IgnoreCase +SuppressDescription +FoldersFirst +NameWidth=40 +SuppressHTMLPreamble +FancyIndexing +IconHeight=16 +IconWidth=16
# we want to use indexes for this folder!
Options +Indexes
# the header template, which is displayed before the list
HeaderName ../list_header.html
# the footer template, which is displayed after the list
ReadmeName ../list_footer.html
# don't display the link to the root folder
IndexIgnore ..
# set the default icon to a fancy famfam icon
DefaultIcon ../images/bricks.png
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During the sprint in Vienna last year, Aleix and me laid the ground work for a QML/JS language support plugin for KDevelop. Sadly we two only have very limited time working on fancy new features such as that.
Thankfully someone stood up and started contributing - none other than Andrea Scarpino of ArchLinux KDE/Qt packaging fame. With some help of me and Sven he managed to get the JavaScript support into a much more shiny state - behold:

Colorful JavaScript Analysis in KDevelop
For simple JavaScript files we already have proper context browsing, uses and declarations. And all that in just a few lines of code thanks to the good work of the QtCreator team, whose JavaScript/QML parser we use (which is the one of the most complicated parts of a language support plugin). Thanks again, guys!
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Hey all,
the KDevelop mailing lists have moved to the KDE infrastructure. See the news on and head over to the mailing lists site to find the locations of the new mailing lists.
Note: No users where migrated, thus you have to register again! To do that, sent an email to and/or with the subject subscribe
Cheers, and again many thanks to the KDE sysadmin crew!
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Hello all!
I’m investigating the feasibility of allowing a subset of C++11 in the KDevelop code base, starting after the branch of 4.5 in a few weeks. I do not want to blindly start going that route just to realize afterwards that I’ve alienated a large portion of our user base. Thus I’d very much welcome if you could read through this blog post and give some feedback which we can build our decision on top.
Here’s the email I sent to the KDevelop development mailing list:
Is anyone opposed to open KDevelop 4.6 for C++11? I.e. that means we continue to work as-is and provide a kick-ass KDevelop 4.5. Once we branch 4.5, we enable C++11 mode globally and start using it in master.
- KDevelop is a free time project and it should be fun to work on it. C++11 is quite a lot of fun, if not only because it’s new. This is actually the main reason for me to go down the C++11 route. This would also allow us to learn C+11 which is a benefit for those of us who do professional work-work programming.
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For those who use nano as their CLI editor of choice: Here’s a syntax highlighting file for Git commit messages which also supports the special KDE commit hook keywords.
## syntax highlighting for git commit messages of KDE projects
syntax "patch" ".git/COMMIT_EDITMSG$"
# overlong lines
color brightred "^.{70,}.+$"
# KDE commit hook keywords, see:
# comment
color blue "^#.*$"
# special comment lines
color green "^# Changes to be committed:"
color red "^# Changes not staged for commit:"
color brightblue "^# Untracked files:"
color brightblue "^# On branch .+$"
color brightblue "^# Your branch is ahead of .+$"
# diff files
# meh - cannot match against \t ... should be: ^#\t.*$
color cyan "^#[^ a-zA-Z0-9][^ ].*$"
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Hey all, just a quickie: KDevelop 4.4.1 is available!
It comes with mostly crash fixes and a few other bug fixes. I’d say: use it!
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Before I continue blogging about actual coding achievements, I must mention something else: Many many thanks to Niko’s company Vivid Planet for sponsoring one awesome dinner here at the KDevelop/Kate sprint in Vieanna. The Schnitzel and beer was much appreciated :)
So besides the promising work towards a JavaScript/QML plugin for KDevelop, what have I been up to in the past days?
Merging Code
Static Code Analysis
I spent a considerable amount of time to review some feature branches and working towards integrating them. This means that now Aleix’s master thesis work was merged. This one is about a static analysis framework, which he has implemented for C++. This should allow his other work to be merged as well eventually, showing control flow graphs or writing checkers like finding inquired include statements. I hope he’ll blog about that eventually.
File & Project Templates
Furthermore, I’ve finally merged Miha’s GSOC Code which gives us a much better project template support. Furthermore, you can now create (and share!) file templates. A few good examples are the existing QTestLib template e.g. I’m pretty sure that what we have right now is quite cool already. It needs to be polished though to make it nicer to use. Suggestions and bug reports welcome!
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