Before I continue blogging about actual coding achievements, I must mention something else: Many many thanks to Niko’s company Vivid Planet for sponsoring one awesome dinner here at the KDevelop/Kate sprint in Vieanna. The Schnitzel and beer was much appreciated :)
So besides the promising work towards a JavaScript/QML plugin for KDevelop, what have I been up to in the past days?
Merging Code
Static Code Analysis
I spent a considerable amount of time to review some feature branches and working towards integrating them. This means that now Aleix’s master thesis work was merged. This one is about a static analysis framework, which he has implemented for C++. This should allow his other work to be merged as well eventually, showing control flow graphs or writing checkers like finding inquired include statements. I hope he’ll blog about that eventually.
File & Project Templates
Furthermore, I’ve finally merged Miha’s GSOC Code which gives us a much better project template support. Furthermore, you can now create (and share!) file templates. A few good examples are the existing QTestLib template e.g. I’m pretty sure that what we have right now is quite cool already. It needs to be polished though to make it nicer to use. Suggestions and bug reports welcome!
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Wow… the last days are a blur. I hoped to blog more but once more failed at doing so. What an awesome sprint this is… Once again, many thanks to Joseph for organizing this! But lets now blog about really noteworthy stuff!

Inline Syntax Errors for QML in KDevelop
QML/JS language support
Aleix was doing quite some QML work-work recently. Sadly KDevelop has no language support for that, so to stay productive you start to use Qt Creator for the QML files sooner or later. This is of course perfectly fine, except for those people that love to use Kate e.g. or for those that prefer our interpretation of the IDE metaphor and C++ language support. So what should we do about that? Right, lets write a QML/JS Plugin.
Cannot Parse
But writing a KDevelop language plugin is not an easy task. To get something useful, probably the most essential ingredient is a proper language parser. And of course that is nothing you do over night. Furthermore, you should always try to not write that stuff on your own, instead leverage the work done by others. This is what Aleix did. We now use an internal copy ( not a fork, see below) of the QML/JS parser from Qt Creator. I’ve wrapped that in the basic KDevelop language plugin code. Without much work we are now already able to show syntax errors inside the editor for JavaScript and QML files!
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Hello everyone!
Finally I take some time to blog again. I’m currently in Vienna for the joint KDevelop/Kate sprint together with lots of other hackers. Many thanks to Joseph for planning and partially financing this sprint! And of course as usual many thanks to the KDE e.V. and all the donors for bringing in the rest of the money required to pull something like this off!
Anyhow, considering that the sprint is running since Tuesday, I need to catch up quite a bit… Actually, I have to start even before that since I committed something quite noteworthy in KDevelop and KMail last week.
Reducing Memory Consumption
Shared Data References
I attended the recent Akonadi sprint that took place at the KDAB office in Berlin (where I work btw.). I heard that Alex Fiestas would come and show us his memory problems in KMail, which sooner or later was eating multiple GBs of memory for him. That sounded like a fun task to improve, fixing performance issues is what I love to do :) So I investigated it with Valgrind/Massif and my pmap script. After quite some time I came up with a patch to fix the memory increase, which is waiting for Stephen Kelly to review. It should be merged into master very soon™.
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