Tag hack sprint

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KDevelop: Randa and GSOC 2011 (June 09, 2011)

Yawn. Hello everyone!

After two nights of backporting sleep in my RL branch to fix the deficiency I built up during Randa, I feel somewhat normal again. Time to blog, eh?


Lets begin with Randa. It was not only my first time there, but also my first time ever to be in the Swiss Alps. And furthermore it was the first time for me to be in the Alps without crying out loud about the lack of snow as I didn’t intend to go snowboarding. You can imagine it was a very pleasant experience for me. I definitely want to come back to go on some more serious hiking trips uphill. But I diverge ;-)

Randa as place for a sprint was simply awesome: Secluded hence no real distractions. Great environment to clean your head, get fresh air and stay focused and productive. Good food, nice people, … I could go on here :) The only negative things I noticed where the unstable networking and the dormitories.

KDevelop Sprint

The KDevelop sprint at Randa was very successful and productive. Here is a group picture of those who attended:

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Kate/KDevelop HackSprint - Up To Day 4 (February 18, 2010)

Woha, quite a few days flew by without me blogging about anything. Thankfully the others started to write so I don’t have to repeat it all ;-) Instead I’ll concentrate on stuff I did or learned.

GHNS for Snippets

Well, first I think an excuse is in oder: There is a GHNS button for Kate Snippets in 4.4.0 but it’s broken, neither me nor Joseph had time to acutally use and fix it… But anyways, I fixed it now for 4.4.1. For 4.5 we’ll also have an Upload Dialog.

I also added both now to KDevelop, you can now upload and download snippets from it. I added a few dump examples but will probably improve it steadily.

Kate Performance

On Saturday and Sunday I started to profile Kate highlighting for a large MySQL dump and managed to greatly improve the speed. Actually the funny thing is that I could improve RegExp based highlighting (you still should try to prevent using it, it will always be slower than simple char/string based highlighting). And the knowledge for this optimization I had from my time as an active contributor for GeSHi. I feel like it was ages ago, he funny :)

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Kate/KDevelop HackSprint Day 1 (February 14, 2010)

So, first day of the Kate/KDevelop hacksprint.

We just talked and hacked at the rented flat,got to know each other and had a fun time. Everybody made it more or less in time, even last minute attendee Adymo from Ukraine, nice! Hacking-wise the productivity wasn’t that high, esp. for me, but a few patches got committed here and there.

Right now I’m working on a little speedup for Kate, esp. for big MySQL files - lets see how it turns out. Cullmann showed me a few things I could do so maybe it works out, lets see.

Over the next week I plan to push in user configurable include paths for the PHP plugin and do some more Snippets & Scripting work in Kate, lets see how it turns out. I’ll go home now, kinda sucks that I don’t stay with the others here at the flat but have to take a 1h ride into the city… Berlin is definitely too big :D

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KDevelop & KWrite/Kate hacksprint 2010 in Berlin (November 16, 2009)

Hey everybody!

If you are a KDevelop and/or Kate/Kwrite developer and do not read the mailing lists: There’s a hack sprint coming up in Berlin in 2010. I think there’ve been enough sprints in Berlin already so that you know it’s a great city for such an event. Though this time it won’t be at KDAB or Nokia offices, but at the Physics Faculty of the FU-Berlin. Since I (currently) work there as an IT admin, it was my first choice and worked out. I hope it will be a good location for the meeting. If you want to attend, vote on doodle:

But you probably also should register either on the KDevelop or KWrite mailing lists so I have some kind of way to contact you.

PS: in unrelated news I’ll do an internship at KDAB next year! yay

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KDevelop Hack Sprint (April 02, 2009)

Huzza! The KDevelop Hack Sprint 09 is now official.

Thanks to the huge engagement of Alexander Dymo we will meet from the 19th to 26th April 2009. The meeting will take place at Alexander’s university, the national university of shipbuilding in Odessa Mykolayiv, Ukraine. Thanks to the people there responsible for making this sprint possible by providing us with the premises, internet, power etc.

Since this is my very first Hack Sprint and considering that I only recently started contributing to KDE in general and KDevelop in particular I am very excited. The topics I will plan to hack on include (all related to PHP language support plugin):

  • add auto completion after require(_once) and include(_once), just like it works for #include in CPP
  • add auto completion of PHP statements (think echo, exit, require(_once, include(_once) etc. pp.)
  • add auto completion for build-in PHP keywords
  • fix auto completion of interfaces / classes after the keywords implements and extends (working on that right now)
  • fix KDevplatform and the Generic Plugin Manager to support remote projects, i.e. via fish or ftp (or anything else supported by KIO)

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