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Third Google CodeIn Screencast - Snippets (December 12, 2010)

Hey everyone,

the third screencast for KDevelop is in:

It shows the advanced snippets support in KDevelop, see also: Snippets in KDevelop & Kate.

In an unrelated note: I’ll do a talk at the Computer Science faculty of the FU Berlin tomorrow, see:

13.12.2010, 18 Uhr, Hörsaal der Informatik

“Wie und warum man sich als Open Source Entwickler/in engagieren sollte”

Viele Studenten könnten gute Programmierer sein, aber lassen Ihr Talent ungenutzt oder stecken es in private (kleinst) Projekte und One-Man-Vaporware. Würden sie sich hingegen in bestehenden Open Source Projekten engagieren, würde ihr Lieblingsprojekt nicht nur ein Stück besser werden, sondern sie selbst gewännen dabei eine Menge. Was ein paar dieser Vorteile sind, und wie man überhaupt damit anfängt sich in einem großen Projekt zu beteiligen, möchte ich am Beispiel von KDE zeigen und hoffe, dass dadurch ein paar mehr von euch aktiv in einem FOSS Projekt mitarbeiten werden.

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Google Code In: First KDevelop Documentation Screencast! (November 27, 2010)

Woha, back when Lydia announced Google Code In and asked me whether I’d like to mentor some KDevelop projects, I wasn’t so sure this was a good thing. But then I saw that documentation could be requested from the students, and well… KDevelop 4 has no real documentation (except this) - why shouldn’t I try it?

So I put a few “screencast workflow XYZ” tasks into Google’s Melange Web Interface (which btw. sucks so much it’s incredible) and forgot about it. I didn’t really think there would be school students being interested in KDevelop, esp. not in writing documentation or doing a screencast. But thankfully I was proven wrong, and in all levels. Please behold, the first documentation screencast for KDevelop, showing you how to get started with a project, setting up a launch configuration, and doing some basic debugging:

I’m amazed by the quality of that video, very well done Geoffry and thanks already to Google for the Code In. Lets hope more students will provide me with such good work :) And I hope this helps some users to get started with KDevelop 4.

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PHP and PHP-Docs plugins now up for review (meaning: SVN location moved!) (December 18, 2009)

Hey all!

Just a quick note: Niko and me moved PHP & PHP-Docs to kdereview, we hope to move both plugins to extragear/sdk/kdevelop-plugins. So, if I understood things correctly, after a two week period the plugins will get moved there (well, if we pass the review, but I think we can do that).

So for anybody that uses the plugins from SVN, you’ll have to relocate. The new addresses are:

  • /trunk/kdereview/kdevelop-php
  • /trunk/kdereview/kdevelop-php-docs

See you in two weeks :)

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KDevelop Hack Sprint 2009 - Day 2 and 3 (April 23, 2009)

Ok, just a quick update on what we are doing / have done the last two days except drinking beer and eating quite a lot of food (though it never seems to be enough somehow….)

  • Apol was polishing CMake support, speeding up KDevelop startup time when you enabled the QtHelp plugin, making sure that Kross plugins get loaded properly and some other things
  • Adymo started some refactoring of Sublime in an experimental branch (actually they had quite a long discussion right now about things in the UI which should be changed/fixed). Besides that he also fixed some little bugs in the includepath resolver for CMake
  • Nsams is fixing PHP support and adding new features here and there. Esp. completion inside a foreach over a Iterator class works now!
  • and as always ZWabel did fix quite a lot of bugs, most of them which only were discoverable in a few corner cases, very nice indeed.
  • shaforo who sadly already left us again to attend university fixed the sorting in the Project view among other things
  • With Apols help I managed to get started with a documentation plugin which (currently) integrates I plan to make it possible to use the downloadable documentation as well to speed things up. Actually setting up a documentation plugin is very easy! Maybe I’ll take a look at writing a documentation plugin for Zend, Symfony, etc. pp. as well - should be fairly easy. Maybe I can come up with a generic documentation plugin which makes it possible to include any kind of .html documentation with some configurable mapping… lets see! Or maybe I should take a look at writing Kross plugins (Apol could help me here as well) for that purpose.

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