Hey all!
I’ve just posted the news on the KDevelop website: KDevelop 4.3.0 Beta 2 is released!
Please test it and report feedback as usual. I think it’s safe to assume that we will release 4.3.0 final in about 2-4 weeks from now.
Considering that my university semester is nearing its end, I will finally have more royal hacking time again! I’ll continue to squash bugs and improve the performance of KDevelop of course :) Most definitely I’ll try to further improve the C++11 support. But maybe I finally have some time again to work on “something bigger”, like helping Miha Čančula in writing a kick-ass unit-test integration for KDevelop (see unittest branches). Then I plan to finally release some more of our “playground” plugins, most notably CSS language support and QMake project management…
Stay tuned for a bright KDevelop future :]
PS: I’ll step up as a mentor for a KDevelop GSOC this year, yet I’m still wondering about a proper topic… Ideas?
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Hey all!
I’m happy to announce the release of Massif-Visualizer 0.3. You can download the sources here:
Highlights of this release:
- translations into 18 different languages
- basic support for hiding of functions via context menu
- basic support for custom allocators
- configurable precision of memory consumption display
- various optimizations, bug fixes and other improvements. take a look at the changelog for more information
Future Development
It took me much too long to get this release out and hope to do better in the future. Current git master already contains some new patches - try it out! I especially like the improved display of the callgraph which now aggregates the tails of the callgraph tree, i.e. the end of the backtrace which mostly starts main()
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Hey all,
been some time since I blogged last time. My TODO list is ever increasing and I took my day job at KDAB up again. Among others, I attended a marketing talk by Edmund Preiss. He actually made that marketing talk interesting, not least by his huge knowledge in the business, thanks to ~20 years of working for Intel. Probably the most important info I got out of it is this:
VTune is available free-of-charge under a non-commercial license
Yes, you heard right. Take these links:
note this entry from the FAQ:
What does noncommercial mean?
Non-commercial means that you are not getting compensated in any form for the products and/or services you develop using these Intel® Software Products.
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Hey all,
I finally want to write a bit about my work on KDevelop during this year’s GSOC. To make things a bit more interesting for the whole crowd, even for those heretics that don’t use KDevelop, I want to highlight some C++2011 features I got to know in the process. Hence this multipart blog post should be interesting for all KDE hackers, as eventually we will be able to use these shiny new features of what is to be known as C++2011.
For those interested in the full overview of changes in C++2011, take a look at e.g. the C++0x Status Page in GCC 4.6, the wikipedia article on C++0x, or try to get hold of a copy of the C++2011 FDIS spec file. Note that the latter is apparently not freely accessible, see also this stackoverflow discussion. Still, maybe you find someone who can send you a copy…
So, lets get down to business. Following is a not-complete list of C++2011 features I’ve already implemented in KDevelop. If I mess something up in explaining a new feature, or if I forget an important aspect, please add a comment.
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Hey all!
I wanted to quickly notify you all about the availability of KDevelop 4.2.3, you can download it here:
Most people should be fine with waiting for updated packages from their distributor though.
To read the full release notes and take a look at the changelog, please visit the project website:
Many thanks to the contributors, for making this release possible
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Yawn. Hello everyone!
After two nights of backporting sleep in my RL branch to fix the deficiency I built up during Randa, I feel somewhat normal again. Time to blog, eh?
Lets begin with Randa. It was not only my first time there, but also my first time ever to be in the Swiss Alps. And furthermore it was the first time for me to be in the Alps without crying out loud about the lack of snow as I didn’t intend to go snowboarding. You can imagine it was a very pleasant experience for me. I definitely want to come back to go on some more serious hiking trips uphill. But I diverge ;-)
Randa as place for a sprint was simply awesome: Secluded hence no real distractions. Great environment to clean your head, get fresh air and stay focused and productive. Good food, nice people, … I could go on here :) The only negative things I noticed where the unstable networking and the dormitories.
KDevelop Sprint
The KDevelop sprint at Randa was very successful and productive. Here is a group picture of those who attended:
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No I’m not a nutjob who talks about the rapture (epic fail btw.). Instead, I’m talking about my time as a bachelor student. I’ve just handed in my thesis after weeks of work on it. You might have noticed by my recent absence from KDE hacking. But rest assured. Now I’m back again :)
First of all the GSOC hack time started officially this week. I got a slot again, and am a few days behind schedule yet am confident to fetch up. I’ll be working on bringing C++0x or now C++2011 support to KDevelop. You can read my proposal online.
Secondly next week I’ll be at Randa for the KDevelop sprint (among others). I’m really looking forward to it, so many nice people to meet again — awesome!
So expect more from my side again. I’ll also start to go through the bug reports of the last weeks which I have not yet attended to. Stay tuned and welcome back :)
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Yes, I’m finally gearing towards the release of my html2text.php
successor, dubbed Markdownify. I’m using exessive testing and utilize the MDTest suite to find potential regressions etc. I’m really enjoying to program little CLI scripts with PHP, it just works like a charm.
Here’s an example of how my test suite currently looks like:

To the left is the original input (HTML), in the middle you find the generated Markdown and to the right HTML again - but now generated via PHP Markdown by Michel Fortin. The pretty colors mark changes between the two HTML versions. I use PEAR Text_Diff for this and a little of my own code. But since all of the existing diff engines for Text_Diff took ages for the Markdown Documentation (~400 lines afair), I wrote a Text_Diff engine which utilizes [shell_exec](http://www.php.net/shell_exec)()
and GNU diff. This is blazingly fast and works like a charm! You can get the source code over at pastebin.org. Also take a look on the feature request I made. Dunno if this was the correct place for that…
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Saturday night and I’m not going out. What the hell is wrong with me — you (and I) ask?
Sad truth is: I’m swamped with work currently. Today I sat down and finished the last protocol of a university lab course, so at least that is done for now.
Bachelor Thesis
I’m not a slacker (even though I’d like to be one!) so I also recently started working on my Bachelor thesis. I’m doing something on EPR simulations, esp. pulse EPR with “big” molecules. It’s actually pretty interesting and I already learned tons of stuff. Most notably I could finally try out Eigen. It’s as good as I imagined, and probably even better ;-) My mentor at the university, who used BLAS up to now, is amazed by the readability of code you write. It is often nearly a one-to-one mapping of a mathematical formula to code. Since I personally never learned the BLAS interface, and find it’s API hideous, I’m very pleased to be able to use Eigen from the start. Thanks to Gael and Benoit (and the others) for writing it. Since I like living on the edge, I use Eigen 3 already and - to give something back - started to update the benchmarks for them.
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Hey all!
I wanted to quickly notify you all about the availability of KDevelop 4.2.0 final, you can download it here: http://download.kde.org/download.php?url=stable/kdevelop/4.2.0/src/ . Most people should be fine with waiting for updated packages from their distributor though.
This is a feature release with lots of shiny improvements and fixes. And - which is why I announce it now - it is required for users of the new KDE 4.6. So if you happen to use that, make sure you update to KDevelop 4.2 as well. Stay tuned for a full blown release announcement on the Dot soon. If you are interested in the changes now, take a look at this, this, and that. Thanks to all contributors who made this release possible, especially I would like to emphasize the contributions by new people - welcome!
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