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recent GeSHi contributions (apache, xorg, apt, performance, ...) (June 18, 2008)

Your favourite syntax highlighter for web applications, GeSHi, recently got some new features and bug fixes. By yours sincerely. A rough summary of what I contributed:

  • various performance improvements, i.e. some speed optimizations and reduced memory consumptions (especially peak memory usage is down by roughly 1MB when highlighting geshi.php by itself)
  • minor bugfixes, including one which prevents some nasty PHP notices on PHP 5 systems to contaminate your precious log files
  • improved language files: bash, apache
  • added language files: GNU Gettext, Xorg configuration and Apt sources.list

Some of those features were already shipped with the recent release. But the two new language files and the improvements to the existing apache language file are currently only available via SVN. Wait for the next stable release which should be 1.0.8.

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