Tag optimization

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Akademy 2014 - Come to my Profiling 101 Workshop! (February 12, 2015)

Hello all!

I have the pleasure to attend Akademy this year again. From my past experience, I’m really looking forward to have a good time again. Lots of hacking, meeting known and unknown faces, drinking beer and socializing ahead! I also love that it’s in a (to me) new country again, and wonder what I will see of the Czech Republic and Brno!

This year, the conference schedule is a bit different from the past years. Not only do we have the usual two days packed with interesting talks and keynotes. No - this year there will also be workshops on the third day! These are more in-depth talks which hopefully teach the audience some new skills, be it QML, mobile development, testing, or … profiling :) Your’s truly has the honor to hold a one-hour Profiling 101 workshop.

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An optimization kata - profiling 101 at Akademy 2014 (September 09, 2014)

Yesterday my Profiling 101 workshop took place at this years Akademy in Brno. The room was packed and I got good feedback, so I hope you all learned something new :)

During my workshop, I showed you how to improve the performance of a word-count application which also creates a word histogram and finds the longest word of a file. I tried to put as many performance bottlenecks as possible into the original code base, which you can find here:

    git clone

Instead of uploading my useless slides full of meme images, instead I’m now pushing my optimized code branch. I urge everyone to review the commits I did and read the individual commit messages ( Note : read this log from bottom to top). There are many useful tips and tricks in there. I furthermore plan to create a techbase article with the most important notes on how to use profilers for a given job. I’ll write another blog post once I’m done with that.

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