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Kate/KDevelop Sprint Vienna 2012 Take 1 (October 25, 2012)

Hello everyone!

Finally I take some time to blog again. I’m currently in Vienna for the joint KDevelop/Kate sprint together with lots of other hackers. Many thanks to Joseph for planning and partially financing this sprint! And of course as usual many thanks to the KDE e.V. and all the donors for bringing in the rest of the money required to pull something like this off!

Anyhow, considering that the sprint is running since Tuesday, I need to catch up quite a bit… Actually, I have to start even before that since I committed something quite noteworthy in KDevelop and KMail last week.

Reducing Memory Consumption


Shared Data References

I attended the recent Akonadi sprint that took place at the KDAB office in Berlin (where I work btw.). I heard that Alex Fiestas would come and show us his memory problems in KMail, which sooner or later was eating multiple GBs of memory for him. That sounded like a fun task to improve, fixing performance issues is what I love to do :) So I investigated it with Valgrind/Massif and my pmap script. After quite some time I came up with a patch to fix the memory increase, which is waiting for Stephen Kelly to review. It should be merged into master very soon™.

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KDevelop 4.4.0 Welcomes You! (October 23, 2012)

Hey everyone!

A first broadcast from the joint KDevelop/Kate sprint! Many thanks already to Joseph for planning this all. As you can see, we also have net access and thus nothing can prevent a very productive week :)

Anyhow, back to the actual news: I finally announced the release of KDevelop 4.4.0. Many thanks to all involved again.

Mind you though, the change list is a bit sparse this time. Yet I’m really looking forward to the 4.5 release already. I’ll blog about it in the next days during the sprint. Stay tuned!

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KDevelop 4.4.0 Beta 1 Released (August 15, 2012)

Hey all!

After quite some slacking on my side, I’ve finally managed to drop the good news: KDevelop 4.4.0 Beta 1 is released!

Our 4.4 branch already contains some more interesting changes for the next beta, stay tuned. Oh and yeah, we’ll try to release 4.4.0 final sometime in September, I hope.


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KDevelop 4.3.1 Released with improved GCC 4.7 compliance (April 19, 2012)

Hey all!

KDevelop 4.3.1 is out! Go read the announcement and update.

Many thanks to all contributors, you rock :)

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KDevelop 4.3.0 - Go Get It! (March 20, 2012)

Finally I managed to get my job as the release dude done: < basic-c11-support>

Thanks to all the developers who sent in patches! The same goes to our loyal users for their continued support and bug reports :)

It’s really fun to work on KDevelop and - I’ve said it many times before - I’m really looking forward to our next releases! Even now our code in the master branches has some neat commits that make the eventual 4.4 release something to look forward to!

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KDevelop Forum & Screenshots (February 27, 2012)

Hey all,

following the recent blog post on getting a forum for KDE software I decided to get one setup for KDevelop. Minutes after, it was all done, we now have a KDevelop Forum. Feel free to use it for discussions and user support around KDevelop and related applications. Development discussions etc. will still happen on our mailing list though.

To get the forum rolling, I’ve had the idea to use it for some crowdsourcing of KDevelop screenshots, see also the post on the KDevelop website: .

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KDevelop 4.3.0 RC 1 Released (February 25, 2012)

Hey all!

Please help us test KDevelop 4.3 RC1! Grab it while it’s hot:

This release comes with some more bug fixes and better support for some C++11 language features.


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KDevelop 4.3.0 Beta 2 Released (February 15, 2012)

Hey all!

I’ve just posted the news on the KDevelop website: KDevelop 4.3.0 Beta 2 is released!

Please test it and report feedback as usual. I think it’s safe to assume that we will release 4.3.0 final in about 2-4 weeks from now.

Considering that my university semester is nearing its end, I will finally have more royal hacking time again! I’ll continue to squash bugs and improve the performance of KDevelop of course :) Most definitely I’ll try to further improve the C++11 support. But maybe I finally have some time again to work on “something bigger”, like helping Miha Čančula in writing a kick-ass unit-test integration for KDevelop (see unittest branches). Then I plan to finally release some more of our “playground” plugins, most notably CSS language support and QMake project management…

Stay tuned for a bright KDevelop future :]

PS: I’ll step up as a mentor for a KDevelop GSOC this year, yet I’m still wondering about a proper topic… Ideas?

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VTune and KDE (September 11, 2011)

Hey all,

been some time since I blogged last time. My TODO list is ever increasing and I took my day job at KDAB up again. Among others, I attended a marketing talk by Edmund Preiss. He actually made that marketing talk interesting, not least by his huge knowledge in the business, thanks to ~20 years of working for Intel. Probably the most important info I got out of it is this:

VTune is available free-of-charge under a non-commercial license

Yes, you heard right. Take these links:

note this entry from the FAQ:

What does noncommercial mean?
Non-commercial means that you are not getting compensated in any form for the products and/or services you develop using these Intel® Software Products.

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GSOC: C++2011 Support in KDevelop Part 1 (June 28, 2011)

Hey all,

I finally want to write a bit about my work on KDevelop during this year’s GSOC. To make things a bit more interesting for the whole crowd, even for those heretics that don’t use KDevelop, I want to highlight some C++2011 features I got to know in the process. Hence this multipart blog post should be interesting for all KDE hackers, as eventually we will be able to use these shiny new features of what is to be known as C++2011.

For those interested in the full overview of changes in C++2011, take a look at e.g. the C++0x Status Page in GCC 4.6, the wikipedia article on C++0x, or try to get hold of a copy of the C++2011 FDIS spec file. Note that the latter is apparently not freely accessible, see also this stackoverflow discussion. Still, maybe you find someone who can send you a copy…

So, lets get down to business. Following is a not-complete list of C++2011 features I’ve already implemented in KDevelop. If I mess something up in explaining a new feature, or if I forget an important aspect, please add a comment.

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