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Kate/KDevelop Sprint 2014: First Days (January 22, 2014)

Hey all! Greetings from the joint Kate/KDevelop sprint at the Blue Systems office in Barcelona!

I only arrived yesterday but already I have great news for you: After months of work I finally merged the sharedurls branches into master for KDevelop/KDevplatform etc. pp. There I worked on a optimization in our handling of file paths.

The status quo up until know was the following: When importing a folder as a project in KDevelop, we filled a model with every file and folder in the project (recursively). For every item we also stored its path as a KUrl to the potentially remote location. KUrl and QUrl are awesome when you have to work with paths and urls, but as soon as you store potentially thousands of them at the same time it becomes quite inefficient. Assume e.g. you open /foo/bar/blub/ which contains /foo/bar/blub/bla.h. When you use KUrl/QUrl to store these paths, you cannot share any memory between the two, as internally basically a QString is used. Thus, when you import deep folder trees or folders with many files, you’ll waste a lot of memory for common sub-paths. Furthermore, due to the amount of allocations required, reading the tree is pretty slow.

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