Tag autobrace

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Kate Love: HighlightInterface, Autobrace (November 23, 2009)

Well, I have to admit: I didn’t spent much time developing the PHP plugin for KDevelop these past weeks. Instead I hacked on Kate:


I added another Kate interface, this time to access some of the highlighting information:

  • what’s the Attribute for a given default style right now? Default styles are those known from syntax files, e.g. dsKeyword, dsFunction,…
  • what are used Attributes in a given line and what range do they occupy?
  • what modes do we embed? E.g. PHP embeds HTML, JavaScript, CSS, …
  • what mode is used at a given Cursor position?

This made it possible to port the “Export to HTML” action to a real plugin. If you come up with other output formats I might add them, I wondered about LaTeX support… might do this at some point.

This should also make it possible to use KatePart in other applications and than export the highlighting to a different format, e.g. a Flake shape for Koffice. Afaik this is actually planned by The_User - lets see if it works out!

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