Tag akademy 2010

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Quanta GSOC midterm evaluation (July 08, 2010)

Hey there!

Midterm evaluations for GSOC are coming up and Andris Mantia, my mentor I finally met at Akademy, asked be to blog about what we already have in Quanta. Because there is a lot and most of you are not aware of that. And to be honest it’s actually too much to put into a single blog post, so I hope to do more of a series of blog posts showing off some features.

Quanta 4 is not Quanta 3

Anyhow, I fear that a disclaimer is in place, for all of you who are desperately looking forward a KDE4 version of Quanta. The thing is, I cannot, nor do I want to, port Quanta from KDE3 times as-is to KDE4. Instead I build on top of the KDevplatform that is also used for KDevelop and KTechlab. By sharing the basic code it gets much easier to maintain Quanta in the future. This decision brings two things with it:

  1. We get an awesome library to built new stuff on top, making things like the new PHP which is already much more advanced than anything from KDE3, actually plugin possible.
  2. We don’t have all features from Quanta 3 or if we have, they might look and work differently. This also means that you won’t be able to take your Quanta 3 workflow without changes over to Quanta 4.

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KDevelop 4 talk at 12:15 today! (July 04, 2010)

Hey everyone!

Apparently “Application Integration from KDE Finance Group” is not taking place, instead Aleix and me will fill the gap and talk about KDevelop 4. We haven’t got any slides and only prepared roughly yesterday, but we decided just to show KDevelop 4 in action. Lets hope that there will be something in there for any interested KDE developer.

I’ll definitely show some assistants again, since apparently many people still ignore them even though they are imo one of the best features we have.

So come to room I at 12:15 :)

PS: Short note regarding KDevelop at Akademy: I’m pleasantly surprised again to see so many KDevelop users around. You all rock!

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